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Aw man, got stuck. It was the third day I believe, with the SPOILERS group of insurgents. After using the computer, door wouldn't open and couldn't talk to the AI.
I'll try again later, story is intriguing.

Must be a bug somewhere, thanks for your patience :) I'm glad you like it, I've tested both endings so it might work with another try. I'll do a bunch of bug fixing for my games at some point but for now life's just too busy. Thanks for letting me know about it! 

For the record I got the same bug.

I just got that bug as well.

Sorry about that! I would go back and fix it if I could make heads or tail of my code. Once I'm back into making games I will try and remember to come back and fix it :) 

I didn't know if you had tried to fix it and it was still there so I thought I would let you know.

Short, but well done.  I liked the writing.  I wish it were longer, but I see that it's a jam game, so I won't hold that against you.


Thank you! :) Glad you liked it

Great music, still working on getting the best ending, if there is one.

Thanks :) If you've joined the Insurgency, you're halfway there

easily my favorite game on, love the music and the art


Oh wow, thank you so much! :) I'm really glad you enjoyed it

kinda terrible at it though

Haha, that's all good. I realised after making it that it's a bit hard, for my next one I'll be focusing a lot more on the playability of it. 

Wow! This is really good! I love the art and the music! Very good job

Thank you! :) I'm glad you like it